Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Kaylee DiPoala
P.5 mr.persinger
English9                              Illusion

        “Stop, stop!” yelled Brikley “what are you doing.”
 Allen raised his gun and BAM! He shot  paisley right in the upper leg. Then ran.
“You weren't suppose to shoot anyone” “no one threatened you,” yelled Brikley.
She was in deep confusion. She ran up to her sister and then as she took a deep “gasp” for air, she propped right up looking around her room realizing it was only a dream. She got up and rinsed her face with some cold water then she noticed it was time for work, so she got ready, put on her FBI badge on her side and was out the door. On her way out she called her sister paisley to see if she was going to work because she was not feeling to great the day before. Paisley and Brikley were one year apart, Brikley was the older child. They were best friends but there parents died from a fire when Brikley was 12 years old. The two of them are inseparable and had to be there for eachother. Brikley's partner was named Allen, he was a very good detective he had dark black hair was a little older guy probably to be as old as her dad if he was still alive, he had dark green eyes and was a very intelligent man. Brikley had dark brown straight hair, it was thick and long. she had dark blue eyes like the deep blue sea. She was fit and no one wanted to mess with her cause she was serious and did her job very well. she could figure almost anything out. Paisley was the opposite of Brikley she had blond hair light blue eyes and was not so fit she did all the lab work, she was very good at computers and pretty good at Science.
      Brikley showed up at work on time with her breakfast and ready to work. She forgot all about the dream so she had nothing weird against her partner. Her boss holland gave allen and her a new case it was this guy that died in his room. They don’t know what from, how, or who did it. So they we went to go check it out. The room was spotless maybe one thing tipped over. they found some finger prints and went to go test them. They also searched for things in his personal life to see why someone would want to kill him.
“To me he looked like a sweet old man, maybe he had a heart attack,” brikley thought.
 It took nearly all day to figure out who did it but they got around to it faster than they thought. A guy named Gustain tom Ramond was behind it allen is the one who figured it out. He escaped jail once and now he killed a man. It was beginning to be night and the sun was almost completely down. They finally figured out his hiding spot which was the docs over on the west side of town.
     They were getting ready to leave to go to the docs and paisley wanted to tag along, holland said it was ok they needed as much help as they could get. on the other hand Brikley said
“no I don’t want you getting hurt this man is dangerous”.
Paisley, Brikley, and Allen all got in the car, They headed down to the docs to go find gustain. They found him hiding out about. paisley went first because she was pretty brave. She was on the bout saying “freeze.” She was turned around but Brikley saw allen raise his gun and he was going to shoot “WHAT are you doing” the man didn't do anything to you. But that not what he was pointing at and then Bam! It went of, paisley knocked down to the ground and Brikleys eyes got big realizing what just happen and what she dreamt the night before.
 “This was odd one of the protocol  says never leave a partner behind and never turn your back on them. Another thing that was weird is that she dream this exact thing and the exact words she said she in her dream”.
     She ran over to her sister to help her up. she had to get her help fast. They were walking to the car and saw the fugitive in the shadows he came out and said
 “hey, hey you” “I can help you”.
She didn't answer she tried unlocking her car with the man still talking to her. She could see him more clearly now he had a clear face and perfect jaw line his hair was a  light brown color. He had brown eyes mixed with a hint of green. He had a nearly perfect jaw line and was very tall and built. He looked rather more of a nice guy rather than a fugitive. Brikley spoke out
“HOW?” “how can you possibly help me, i’ve got it i’m going to bring her to the hospital and i can do it myself.”
“No I didn't mean help you with her I meant help you with you and your job and the people you are working with”. “what do you mean”
“i mean allen he’s not a good guy.”
“I could have figured that out myself.”
“Well did you know that he’s working with two other guys at your work and they’re planning to do bad things, like what they did to your sister. And they plan on doing a lot more i just don’t know what yet.”
“I don’t know how you know all this and how you know she's my sister.” “I don’t know if you are lying I can’t trust a fugitive.”
She got in her car and headed straight to the hospital immediately got help. The doctors told Brikley that paisley was in a small coma from losing to much blood and hitting her head to hard. She had small tiers in her eyes and was speechless and went into the room and spent the night there.
      She didn't get the best sleep but she did have another odd dream it had to do with allen again but this time holland was in the dream and this other man named max which was this weird guy that worked with paisley he had a scruffy face and was a little heavier. no one really payed much attention to him. He mainly got the job because he was holland’s cousin. The dream was them talking in the conference room and Gustain spying in on them by listening they were saying
“we just need to get two more people, paisley is in the hospital and dale is dead.” Dale was the man that was killed by Gustain. They said
“we just need to get the three of the trapped maybe in a sleep or some kind of alternate universe.”
Brikley woke up In even more confusion than last time. So many things were going through her mind.
“Did this happen.”
“are they the ones behind everything.”
“Was gutain right is this what he was talking about when he said they would do worse.”
It was nearly morning and Brikley had the day off to settle her mind.
     she ran into gutain at the cafe shop where she usually gets breakfast. She said
they sat down and had some breakfast and she said
“you know I can't help but to believe you” they walked through the park and talked about what they could do about this corrupt FBI.
“Tell me everything you know and how you know.”
“well I use to work with Holland and allen three years ago. I figured out they’re secrets and what they had on their agenda, so they had me arrested me for a crime that i didn't do.”
“Skip two years later to two nights ago my cell was opened so i went out because i thought they were releasing me, so i left. Then sirens went off so i panicked and I ran. Then that same night I got a accused for murder. You know they nice guy dale. I think Allen was behind it cause he always had something against me.
“So what was on their agenda.”
“Well it was to hire you and paisley.”
“What is so wrong with that.”
“They wanted to get you the job so that way you would do the cases for them.”
“Half the people that you arrested were innocent. mainly just people that were on there list.”
“What is the list for?” asked Brikley.
“I don't know I just know it was some list they created and you know who is on the bottom is you.”
“That’s why i wanted to help you.”
“Oh okay let’s figure this out then.”
“Ok, tomorrow I will meet you here again.”
     Brikley was going to head over to her house but before she did  she asked gustin if he could make maps of the work place and the docs/peers. Gustin knew a lot about the FBI and their work place. He only worked for them for a year. His first month was as a janitor that’s how he got to know the place but then he applied as an agent there and got in. after he got fired from Alan Brikley replaced him and started working there with her sister. After talking for a while she wanted to ask gustin about her dreams so she started to tell him about the weird dreams that she has been having. He says
“they might be messages or clues to what their up to at your work.”
It was beginning to be dark so brikley headed off to bed. She stayed at her house this time because she wanted a better night's sleep.
     She had one more dream there was holland, allen they were planning to create some kind of alternate universe some type of thing that looked like reality but it was some trap machine that made it look like you were in the real world. She woke up it was the middle of the night and she could still get 5 more hours of sleep so she went back to bed. She had a good dream this time she was awake and came out to the kitchen and there were her mom and dad and said good morning your sister will be down in a few minutes. The smoke alarm went of “bep,bep bep”
she woke up to her alarm clock ringing loudly. She smacked her alarm and got ready for work.
“I don't want to go to work” she thought.”
She had to any way so she left the house turned right out of her drive way down to the office.
     When she arrived to work she did her daily thing and opened a new file or look for an unfinished one. It was hardly ever that she got to open a new one she was manley always finishing everyone else's. She over heard allen and holland talking, she could only pick up a few things. She came in the room to grab her yogurt and the hustled to another subject,
“ how is your day going boss,”
with a little shoulder bump allen said. Brikley walked away and heard a whisper
“she's onto us,” holland said.
Allen said, “really i don't think she is she's not smart enough.”
      When the work day ended brikley headed to the hospital to rom 126 where paisley was she spent an hour or two sitting there, talking to her maybe, reading, watched some TV.
Brikley said “please, please get up, you need to get up i need your help!”
paisley was looking better but she was still in her coma and had a bruise on her head. Brikley just prayed that she could wake up and that she would be ok and have her sister back. Brikley got in her car and went home and took a nap she didn’t feel like moving she was in such sorrow She had red in her eyes they were puffy,  her cheeks were rosy, and she had a sniffly nose. She went up stairs and just layed there for a moment. . Later on when she felt like getting up she headed down to the cafe to meet with gutin and pick up the maps. Gustin spent some time on his plan he opened  his case and pulled out a long white piece of paper that had a picture drawn on it it looked exactly like her work place and the other two pieces of paper had a pier on it and the other the doc area. They said
“ok we will call the cops when the time is right then we can listen in on them and move in and arrest them.”
“I’ll just need physical proof so that’s what i’ll do tomorrow at work.”
     “Oh ya, by the way what happened to you and allen i heard him talking at work today about you and how you betrayed him.”
“I was working on a case with him but he did something odd, when we want to go over to someone, I think his name was John. I saw him trying to get away and Allen is trying to fight me and the fugitive got away. I reported this but allen just through it all back on me trying to get revenge. He tried to change up the story and here soon enough I go to jail. He had really good lawyers and he had the boss on his team. The cameras in john's apartment he edited and switched me and him making it look like I was trying to fight him. Science I got out of jail I look at it as my second chance and he looks at it as a second chance to get revenge on me for turning him in.”
“His second chance at getting me back was probably making it look like i killed that sweet man named dale”
“oh,” said brikley.
      Down at my work I hear them say that they're going to meet at the pier tomorrow to settle every thing there going to make their plans there then they're going to go in the basement of the FBI place to finish everything off whatever that means.
“I think we should meet them down at the pier tonight,” Gustin said.
“And maybe we can find the original video of the fight between you and allen so that can be are physical proof.”
The next day at work brikley was totally normal and pretend to do her work. She snuck into holland's office and searched for the video. She spent a good 10 minutes in there and she found three so she was just going to have to accept those ones.
     She took the videos home and the third one ended up being the one. They brought it to the police and they followed them down to the pier. She told them everything. During work she heard them talk about a name, that name was the glenn family. They said how they were against mr and mrs glenn's company. And they talked about how sad the fire at their company was in a sarcastic voice. Brikley freaked out when she heard about this. When they meet them down at the pier they were hiding out and waiting for a good time to pop out and arrest them forever. They heard them say
“the glenn family will be done for.”
“Oo and gustin too right.” allen said.”
“why not said holland” The cops started coming out. Allen got scared and shot a cop.
     Now they were in really big trouble. Allen was in trouble for fighting his partner gustin two years back, and for shooting his other partner paisley. And another reason was for shooting a cop and even for stealing a few things for their project to work. Holland got in trouble for putting the glenn company on fire and for killing dale the nice sweet old man and blaming it on gutain.  They were both going to be put away for a very long time well until there life ends. The next morning brikley got a call from the hospital Paisley was awake, And Gustin was free of all his charges. And that guy Max he was only going to put away for a short time for helping out them  other than that he is innocent. Brikley rushed to the hospital to go see her sister and on the way there Bam! Someone hit her car. Brikley was passed out. Soon to only find herself at her parents house in the guest room. She got up and such confusion and saw her mom and dad saying good morning to her. She almost started crying and gave him a huge hug. She said
“where is Paisley?”
“oh she's sleeping” the mother said.
Brikley what's in paisley's room, to see if she was awake. Sense brikley has been having dreams that were so realistic she thought she was going to wake up soon. She said to Paisley
“I had weirdest dream, that you were in a coma and we worked for bad people.”
Paisley's eyes got really big and interrupted.
“I had a dream sort of like that except that I dreamt that I was in a coma.”
“While I was in my coma lots of people visited me, how I knew was because I could hear them”
I learned that Holland and Alan were corrupt people trying to kill us.
Alan and Holland were in my dream.
“Was this all a dream?”
“Are we going to wake up?”
“Did we just have the same type of dream as each other?”
“How are we going to figure all this out?”
“Whatever is happening i’m going to find this out?”
“Whats are reality?” Brikley asked Paisley